Sunday, December 10, 2006

Merry Christmas - by J. Success

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I would like to say Merry Christmas to every reader who subscribes to this newsletter and every person whom this newsletter is forwarded to also. Merry Christmas is a common saying for this time of year. When you see someone usually between the day after Thanksgiving and December 25, you say Merry Christmas to them to symbolize the Christmas season. Christmas has an underlying meaning that has been changed and commercialized to fit our capitalistic society. Now I am not going to go into the issues with the Christmas because that would just bring down the spirit of the season. But I will say that trying to take Jesus out of Christmas is like taking Dr. King out of his birthday. Instead I want to focus on the true meaning of the term Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas has three words in it. Most people see two, which are Merry and Christmas but in actuality there are three words. The first word is Merry, which means high spirited delight, to delight one self in. The second word is Christ, which is referring to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, Savior or Anointed One. The third word is mas, which in Spanish means more. Therefore what we are really saying is Merry (delight yourself), Christ, mas (more) or “delight yourself in Christ more”. When you take Christ out of Christmas you are saying Merry -Mas, which means to delight yourself more. Delight yourself more in "what" is the question and when you take Christ out of it, then people will delight themselves in whatever they please and that's the downfall that we see our society experiencing today.

Delight yourself in Christ more is a great way to live life and I appreciate the opportunity to do that everyday. I always heard in my Christian circles that Jesus was the reason for the season but I never realized how much Merry Christmas really sends that message home. Therefore, the next time you tell someone Merry Christmas or someone says Merry Christmas to you remember to delight yourself more in Christ so that His love can delight itself more in you.