I voted and Barack won!!!!
This is a great day for America and a great day for progress.
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Welcome to the thoughts of Jason Caston
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When I was a child I would ask my parents where the sun would go at night. I couldn't understand why the sun had to go away every night for no apparent reason. I knew that when I would wakeup in the morning the sun would be there for me to go outside and play but for some strange reason as the day progressed, the sun would leave me. When the sun fully left for the day then my playtime would come to an end and I would have to get home quickly, always before the street lights came on. My mother tried to explain to me that the sun will come back tomorrow and I will be able to play again, but it wasn't until the sun came back a few times that I finally believed her. I could have believed her based on what she said but more often than not experience has to replace words as our teacher because of our lack of understanding and faith.
When hard times are visiting our daily lives all we see are dark nights followed by dreary days and both have no light in sight. "A night is only as dark as you think it appears", are great words usually quoted by people that are not going through present difficulties. To hear the night is only as dark as we think it appears seems to have no helpful effects because we believe this is the darkest night that we have seen thus far. We also believe that since our life is going through this dark period, there is no way it could be lighter if we could somehow change the way we "thought" about it, what does our thinking have to do with the darkness we see and are experiencing. Again, we see that even though the words stated are true, it's the experiences that we are having that have the most impact on us and thus we disregard great words as just letters spoken that have no application to our lives.
When attempting to endure a difficult period we want to often just say, "don't teach me just tell me", but the question is, will we really learn from words alone? In school we learn lessons, facts, methods and quotes from the words of an instructor but we are given tangible tests because there needs to be validation of words learned. In life we desire to get the great results but never want to walk the difficult paths that those goals require. It takes a great amount of faith to walk through a valley, with a map that says take the difficult path, and believe that at the end of that path is the increase that you so dearly seek. The true lesson seems to be learned not when someone tells you that the increase awaits you, not when you read the map and see the actual steps to take to the increase and not when you are walking the path and cannot see any increase. The true lesson is learned when you obtain the increase that was promised to you and look back and realize that everything said to you was true, then and only then will you go tell someone else how to walk in faith and hopefully they will believe your words.
Labels: faith patience destiny success
When I talk to people whether it be in casual conversation or a workshop I am facilitating, I often ask the question, what's the goal for your life? Many times I get a blank stare, followed by an "ummmmm" and then usually I don't know. Quite a few times I received an answer such as to be rich, comfortable in life or something along those lines. Now I am definitely an advocate of being financially comfortable in life and having more then just enough but when the best answer someone has to "what's your goal in life" is to be rich, well then that's what I call the equivalent of chasing the wind. Money is a byproduct of a greater goal in life, not the greatest goal in life.
Chasing the wind is a symptom that I have seen more often then not in many people. Chasing the wind was something that I did as a child and in my mind I believed that I had caught the wind many a days. If you have never chased the wind, let me explain it to you how I would do it. I was born and raised in Chicago Illinois, commonly referred to as the windy city and on many days I would go out with a jar and catch the wind. I would hold out my jar and let some of the wind blow into it and then I would quickly seal up the jar and run in the house. Funny thing would happen when I got into the house and opened my jar to experience the wind that I had caught, there was nothing there. Since I was a child my thoughts were to go outside and try harder, run faster or chase longer to get more wind into the jar but in reality I was just passing the time because wind is uncatchable.
When I see people today chasing after materialistic things today I picture them as children with jars running around the yard as I used to. Materialistic riches are never enough and no matter how much we get, we always want more. The only people that say they don't want more material things are dead people. When I explain to people how to see life with a wider lens and see the bigger picture, I want them to learn that money, fame, and material things are a byproduct of a bigger goal in life. When I tell them that the more they walk in their purpose, see the actual worth of their life and realize they are here to do something great, the more they will see that material things are great to have but small in the grand scheme of things. Money and material things can come and go but a person who is living a life of purpose will never go without because their determination and focus will provide them with numerous ways to make money over and over again.
When you take a look at your life today, what motivates it? Are you chasing the wind day in and day out hoping that one day the wind will jump in your jar? Or do you live a life of purpose and see that you will be something great in life and that you are just getting prepared for your time to showcase what it is that God has put in you to show the world. Well get ready to let everyone know because Success is inevitable...So Get Ready.
In this episode J Success speaks on how our destiny is related to our purpose, faith, vision and success. Each part is explained. This is part of the Destined for Success series at www.iamsuccess.net
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