Monday, December 31, 2012

The iChurch Method 2012 Year in Review

As 2012 comes to an end, we here at The iChurch Method would like to thank you for all your support. It’s been a banner inaugural year. It’s awe inspiring to think that at this time last year, The iChurch Method was just a small blog that was waiting to be launched into the public with the release of the flagship book, The iChurch Method Vol 1: How to Advance Your Ministry Online. With that being stated, let’s look at some of the key accomplishments in 2012.

  • Launched The iChurch Method Vol. 1 at the Pastors and Leaders conference in Orlando where I taught and had a book signing. It was an awesome experience
  • Spoke at SDA national convention in ABQ as well as the Social Media bootcamp in Costa Mesa CA on taking your Social Media to the next level.
  • Taught at FICWFM convention in Los Angeles at Crenshaw Christian Center on Social Media and Ministry. This was great because I have worked with CCC since 2007 and I was finally able to participate in their major convention.
  • Wrote for Gospel Today Magazine (2 times) and The iChurch Method was reviewed in the magazine as well.
  • Taught The iChurch Method class at The Potter’s Institute and introduced The iChurch Method Live, where I streamed the classes live online for anyone to participate in using Google Hangouts.
  • The iChurch Method is now being sold in The Potters House, Crenshaw Christian Center and SDA Adventsource bookstores.
  • Prof. David Bourgeois of Biola University in La Mirada CA, used The iChurch Method for his digital ministry summer course.
  • Filmed by local news, CW33 for a segment on church and technology
  • Participated in Conclave with for church communicators and met some great friends. This event hand selected church communicators from across the country and we all met in Dallas for a collaborative meeting.
  • Reached 1 million Facebook fans and created a new online church streaming module for T.D. Jakes Ministries. When I arrived at T.D. Jakes ministries in Jan. 2010, they were not using social media at all. I was able to implement an initial strategy of devotionals and links to online video content to start generating interaction via social media, and two years later the audience grew to 1 million.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The iChurch Method at Universities

The focus of The iChurch Method was to educate and inform churches how to better use technology and advance their ministry online. What I didn’t foresee was the academic environments that The iChurch Method could be utilized in. I didn’t foresee Christian Universities using The iChurch Method in their curriculums to help educate their students on how technology can be (and is being) used in ministry.

Here are two great universities that have utilized The iChurch in their curriculums.

Biola University – Digital Ministry Seminar Summer Course – Prof. David T Bourgeois

Abilene Christian UniversityChristian Ministry in Digital Culture – Dr. John Weaver

The benefits of introducing students to The iChurch Method in college as well as how real life churches are using technology is that we are able prepare students to help advance ministries technologically as soon as they come out of school, instead of them going to corporate america and then eventually coming to work for the church. This would give churches access to more individuals with technical skills that are ready to help advance the kingdom online.