What is Religion versus Relationship
Religion versus Relationship is a concept that is used within the church to separate the people who go through the motions of "church" and the people who actually experience a full Relationship with Christ and bear fruit that advances the kingdom. There is a great misconception that is causing confusion among people with their perception of God. Many people are starting to come to realize that you cannot experience the fullness of a Christian lead life by just going through the steps of Religion. These steps include but are not limited to:
- Going to church when you feel like it
- Not reading the bible
- Being holy only on Wednesday and Sunday
- Not applying what the preacher says to their lives
- Not participating in ministry
People are starting to realize that you must have a Relationship with God in order to receive the many promises that are in the bible, you have to apply what it is in the bible and not just go by what you hear in church or from people who don't know Jesus. Remember revelation knowledge is what is revealed from God and in order to hear from God you have to know what His voice sounds like. You have to have a Relationship with Him and know that through His word He reveals Himself to His people. Here are some examples of Religion versus Relationship.
Religion will keep you satisfied right where you are.
Relationship will have you searching for more of Jesus because you know that the more anointing you have in your life the more you can help others and the more your life will prosper.
Religion will have you accept things without questioning or searching for the truth.
Relationship will have you looking for the truth. Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. So therefore you will always search for the truth.which is Jesus.
Religion will have you wondering why you are not fulfilled and why things are the way they are and why you cannot change them.
Relationship will have you searching for ways to change your situation and since you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, you will learn how to let God change your situations through you.
Religion will teach you that the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) is a dance people do in church.
Relationship will let you know that the Holy Spirit is the most important asset to your Christian walk and is the source of your power. The same power Jesus used to defeat death, heal people, cast out demons and do every miracle in the bible.
Religion will teach you that Satan is powerful and you cannot defeat him.
Relationship will let you know that through the power of the Holy Spirit in you, you can defeat Satan, the same way Jesus did.
Religion will teach you that you are not as good a Christian as others such as ministers, pastors, church elders and famous people in the bible.
Relationship will let you know that the same Holy Spirit that is in them is in you and you have access to the same anointing they do.
Religion will teach you how to know of God.
Relationship will let you know how to know God.
Religion will keep you under a religious glass ceiling where you supposedly are a lowly sinner and cannot reach greatness.
Relationship will let you know that you are the righteousness of God and you are a co-heir to His kingdom. Through the power of the Holy Spirit He has given you the ability to do greater thing than Jesus did.
Religion will teach you that you need to dress a certain way to come to church.
Relationship will let you know that Jesus wants you to come as you are. It's not how you look on the outside that Jesus is concerned with, He wants to change you from the inside out.
Religion will teach you that God works in mysterious ways and no one knows the ways of the Lord.
Relationship will let you know that according to I Corinthians 2:10 says "But it was to us that God revealed these things by His spirit. For His spirit searches out everything and shows us God's deep secrets." NLT
Religion will teach you that you can't tell God how you really feel because He only wants to hear good things.
Relationship will let you know that you can talk to God because He is your friend and you can let Him know when you are upset and He will reveal to you that He will never leave you nor forsake you and through all situations He is with you and will bring you out.
Religion will teach you that just listening to the sermon and not reading the bible is ok.
Relationship will have you searching for more of God through his word and will also let you know that the more you know Jesus then the more power you have to live a spirit filled Christian life. Knowledge and power and knowledge is the word of God.
Religion will teach you that coming to church is "enough".
Relationship will let you know that God continuously wants more of you and in order to receive the fullness of the anointing, blessing and promises God has for His people, you have to do more then just fill the pews.
Religion will teach you that your spirit and soul are the same.
Relationship will teach you that you are a spirit, with a soul living in a body. Your body is your earth suit so that you can exist here. Your soul is your mind, will, intellect, emotion and imagination. You are a spirit and that is how you communicate with God.
Religion will teach you that the main people of the bible were so special that they did things that you could not do.
Relationship will teach you that the main people of the bible were anointed by the Holy Spirit and that is the same Holy Spirit that you have inside you. So therefore you can do even greater things then they did.
Religion will teach you that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit are three different people.
Relationship will teach you that Jesus, God and the Holy spirit are three different manifestations of the same God.
Religion will teach you that you should not expect God to bless you, you should hope that he blesses you.
Relationship will teach you to have a spirit of expectancy. The more you know Jesus, the more you will learn that He wants to bless you, He wants to empower you, He wants to anoint you so that you can show people that through Jesus you are a powerful person of God.
Religion will teach you that God does not want you to be rich or prosperous because money makes people evil.
Relationship will teach you that one of the reasons Jesus came was so that we could live more abundantly and when money is in the hands of God's people then they will use it for God's kingdom.