Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Virtual Tour with Nils Smith


I was given the great opportunity to be asked to take part in a virtual book tour with my buddy Nils Smith of Community Bible Church. I am the featured guest on March 5th, where we discuss Facebook Foundations. The dates of the Virtual Book Tour are March 4-8th. Each day 3 identical sessions will be held at 9am, noon, and 3pm CST on the following topics:

March 4th | Social Media Basics
Interview with DJ Chuang, founder of the Social Media Church podcast

March 5th | Facebook Foundations
Interview with Jason Caston, Internet Church Developer for TD Jakes Ministries

March 6th | Twitter and YouTube
Interviews with Matthew Barnett of the LA Dream Center and Sean Cannell founder of YouTube for Churches

March 7th | Pinterest, Instagram, Faith Village and more
Interview with Kenny Jahng, Innovation Pastor at Liquid Church

March 8th | Online Church
Interview with Alan George, Church Online Pastor at LifeChurch.tv

The sessions will also be followed with live chat Q & A with Nils. To register for this event please go to http://SocialMediaBookTour.com/.
