Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quick Way to Setup Online Donations

paypal4There are quite a few online donation options out there such as,,, and more, but the quickest and easiest option to implement in my opinion is Paypal. Many people use PayPal the world over in order to pay for goods and services, particularly on electronic swap meet sites such as eBay. PayPal notifies the seller when the money has been transferred, so that the seller can then send the item to the purchaser.

This is particularly convenient for sellers who don’t wish to deal with the hassle and charges involved in using Visa or MasterCard, since most eBay sellers are private individuals.

PayPal also accepts money from credit cards, allowing people who do not have or do not wish to set up a PayPal account to pay for goods and services, or in this case, make charitable donations online. With such an easy method of making donations, your members will be much more likely to contribute than if they actually had to sit down and write a check and put it in the mail.

PayPal will allow you to set up a free donation module on your website, whereby visitors can make donations using their PayPal account or credit card. You will still have to pay any fees required for the credit card transactions by the respective credit card companies, however.

Get Started by Setting up a PayPal Account

The first thing you will need to do is set up a PayPal for Business and Nonprofits account. Start with a Standard account, which is free, and provide all of your organization’s information. Once your account is ready, you can set up your donations by clicking on the Merchant Services tab, and in the Create Buttons section selecting Donate in order to create a Donate link for your site.

Follow the directions to customize the look and text of your Donate button, and then select the option to save the button on PayPal in case you need it again for another site. Answer some more questions, then click Create Button. PayPal will provide you some HTML code that you can then copy and paste into your website, wherever you would like the Donate button to appear.

Whenever a user clicks the Donate button on your website, he or she will be taken to PayPal where they can provide credit card information or else use their PayPal account to donate money to your organization. It’s a simple as that, and it doesn’t even cost anything, except for the credit card fees!

For more information on this and other topics, get your copy of “The iChurch Method Volume 1: How to Advance Your Ministry Online.” or The iChurch Method Volume 2: Changing the World When You Login or even sign up for the iChurch Method Online School.