Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Join me at the eConnect Conference

What if your ministry could reach 10, 20 or 100 times more people.
Would your ministry like to use Social Media better?
Could your church benefit from learning how to better use technology to reach the world for minimal cost?

I would love for you to join me at the eConnect Conference on January 29-31, 2014 in beautiful Loveland, CO. Group Publishing is hosting this amazing event where we will be discussing how to use social media, online video and other online tools for greater ministry impact. I’m also very excited to be joined by my good friend Nils Smith, author of the Social Media Guide for Ministry and soon to be good friend, Brian Abbott.

At this event we will discuss social media, websites, mobile apps, and how all of these things translate to becoming effective ministry tools. I can’t wait for the conversations that will be had and hope you will be a part. Click here for more information and to register for this exciting event!