Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Why Your Ministry Should Have a Mobile Website

As mobile device adoption increases, we are seeing a great opportunity for ministries to reach people on their mobile devices.

Mobile Stats
Over the last two years there’s been an average of 162% increase in mobile usage.
• Africa – 155%
• Asia – 192%
• Europe – 183%
• North America – 69%
• Oceania – 162%
• South America – 96%

One fourth of the world’s mobile phones are smartphones.
91% of mobile Internet access is for social activities versus 79% on desktops.
86% of mobile Internet users are using their devices while watching TV
50% of Twitter users are mobile.
200 Million of the 4 Billion daily YouTube views are from mobile devices.
Mobile Internet usage is projected to overtake desktop usage by 2016
4 Billion people have mobile devices

SMS Texting
SMS is an abbreviation for Short Media Service or otherwise known as texting. Texting is really the best way to communicate and reach people because it’s instant. The time it takes to dial a phone number, wait for a connection, wait for an answer and then started talking is eliminated. That’s why people use it so much. In fact, the average person checks their text 90 times a day and people are 80% more likely to check a text then an email. The ease of which someone can type a text simply adds to its popularity. With the new smartphones, you can talk into the telephone while it types your text for you making it even faster.

When ministries are developing their mobile strategies, they initially think about a mobile app or website, unfortunately they very seldom consider the impact of texting. Yes, mobile websites and apps get the most media and are the hot button topics but when it comes down to getting results, texting is the best start to an effective mobile strategy.

A Mobile Site
When a smartphone user searches the internet and lands on a website that is not mobile optimized, the user sees the actual computer/laptop style website. The Wall Street Journal is a good example. When you explore that site, it isn’t mobile optimized. You have to blow up individual sections just so you can read it. The Wall Street Journal has made a conscious decision not to have a mobile website. Most businesses, however, have made a decision to have a mobile website.

The advantages of a mobile website are self evident. When a smartphone user accesses a website that has a mobile site, everything fits. You can easily read the information and access the proper links without having to make size adjustments.

Geek tip: Websites can be programmed to automatically show a different version (mobile or regular) of the website based on what type of device you are using. Whether it is a laptop, desktop, mobile device or tablet, a program called a “sniffer” detects the user’s web viewing device and directs the mobile user to the mobile site instead of the normal full size website.

A good mobile website should include (but does not have to be limited to) the following pages:
Home – This page should consist of links to the banners of current series and events.
Locations and Service Times.

Online Media.
- Live services.
- Archived Sermons or past TV shows.
- Podcasts.

Online Resources.
- Links to other ministry resources such as blogs or documents.
- Online Bible.

About Us.
- About the Pastor.
- About the church/ministry.
- Volunteering/working at the ministry.
- Mission/Vision statement.

Online Giving.

For more information on this and other topics, get your copy of “The iChurch Method Volume 1: How to Advance Your Ministry Online.” or The iChurch Method Volume 2: Changing the World When You Login or even sign up for the iChurch Method Online School.
