Sunday, October 15, 2006

I will not lose!!!

For audio click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

As I reflected on the last few years and the ups and downs that have befallen myself and my family, I came to one conclusion when I look at my life and what I am to become, I Will Not Lose!!! Now I am not saying that I didn’t have hard times or go through tribulations that ranged from almost being evicted, sickness, financial despair, loss of a business, back sliding, marriage issues, loss of my spiritual covering, loss of hope, despair, unanswered prayers and many other shortcomings that came and went. The interesting thing I keep noticing is that no matter what comes into my path, my faith never wavers and instead of saying “here we go again”, I say “Come on God, here’s another opportunity to show up and show out”. Although I’m not perfect and I do get upset with God and ask Him why, I have decided that I will believe no matter what and have the faith to let Him come in my life and teach me how to win in every situation…even the ones that look like I have lost.

As I read through the bible and look at all the promises that God has made for us I often wonder how many apply to me today and how many were for the people at those times. When I ask God why I go through things that the promises are supposed to keep me out of, He always tells me, “You already have the victory, just believe”. Now we all know how hard it is to believe those promises when we are going through tough times. When times are rough we sometimes feel those promises are basically just words on paper instead of answers to our problems. Well as of late I have decided to believe every promise that is in the bible. I have decided that my life has had enough mediocrity, enough of just getting by, enough of just making it, enough of I’m just okay. I wanted to experience more success, more prosperity, more healing, more faith, more wisdom, more answered prayer, more anointing and overall more POWER.
When I started to believe everything and change my mindset to one of a conqueror, no, I take that back, I meant the mindset to one of “more then a conqueror” (Romans 8:37 - Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.), I started to see how even when it looked like I was losing, I still had the victory. I started to see how all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [His] purpose (Romans 8:28). Have you ever noticed how even your worst situations turn into blessings when God is in control? I’ll give you an example, when I was putting together my first business I paid a woman $400 to setup my business for me. She took my $400 and I never heard from her again. Well that infuriated me because I was unemployed at the time and $400 was a lot of money to donate to her purse. The outcome of that was a blessing because I was so motivated to not let anyone take my money again that I setup my own business, wrote a book on how to setup your own business in one day, created a workshop to go with the book and also created a DVD to go with the book. That one incident helped start my information empire that I am currently building because I felt that if I know what’s going on then no one can take advantage of me again. The cost of ignorance (not knowing how to setup my own business) was $400 and now I will make 4 billion dollars teaching others how to start their own business.

When you approach a situation you have to believe that no matter what happens you are going to win. You have to have the confidence in who you are, the power you have, what you were sent to do and most of all, who lives in you (Hebrews 10:35). You have to believe that you are more then a conqueror and understand that conquerors never lose. You have to understand that Jesus said we will do greater things then He did (John 14:12) and Jesus never lost. Even when people thought He was dead, He rose and defeated all strongholds and gave us the power to win each and every time. The battlefield is the mind and as a man thinketh so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

So if you don’t know that you are fighting a defeated enemy then you will give them the power to overcome you. We fight enemies that have their hands under their shirts talking about stick em up. Well from here on out we will let them know that we will not lose anymore battles, for even in defeat there is a lesson learned so we still win…we always win and the thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ's victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, (2 Corinthians 2:14).

Successful People control their destiny

For audio click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

You ever just wish something nice would happen to you? Do you ever wish that things would go your way so that you could get ahead in life? Do you ever hope that someone will think nicely of you and make a way for you to succeed? Do you ever hope that in the future you will make it big, somehow, and that life will be so much easier? Do you ever just wonder where your success will come from? Well step out of that world where life dictates you instead of you dictating your life.

Life for many people is like a game of poker. When I watch championship poker on ESPN I notice that every player gets two cards to start with. Even though those cards are different, it's still two cards. That's how we start life, we start with different cards but we all have cards. Next the players bid on the cards they are dealt, calculating the risks and rewards of the cards they are dealt. They also consider bluffing or folding if their cards are not what they feel they can win with. This is how we all look at life and the experiences of life. We can either fold, bluff or play the hand we are dealt.

Now here is where successful people are separated from the masses, as the dealer lays out the next three cards, you start to see people fold, get nervous, bluff, panic, think long and hard, as well as pray that the cards that are laid out will help with the cards they already have. Successful people know that no matter what cards are played they will win. If the cards played don't make for a great hand then they will either learn from the experience or make their hand work. The average person will look at the cards that were dealt to them and what the dealer put out and fold until the dealer gives them a good hand. Successful people will make their hand into good hands or better yet...BECOME THE DEALER.

In life many people wonder who is controlling their situations and if you ask many people they will usually say "God controls what does and does not happen to me". According to the bible, God is not the one that controls what happens to you…YOU ARE. Your faith lets God come into your life and make things happen, your trust in Him lets Him come in and anoint you to impact this world and your words that you speak based on His word give Him the capability to step into your life and make things happen. Take control of your life and let God work thru you to fulfill your purpose, then you will see how your choice let you start to control your destiny and step into success, because Success in Inevitable…So get Ready.

Courage & Confidence - Do you have what it takes

Courage, Confidence – do you have what it takes?

For audio click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

If you look at the stories of many of the successful people that we see today, you start to see an overwhelming quality that resonates in each of their stories. When you listen to how they overcame great obstacles to achieve their overwhelming success you start to see similarities that set them apart from the masses. In every successful person you see the confidence and courage to make a change. You see the confidence and courage that says, no matter what happens, I will not stop until I achieve success, and I will not settle for a life that is less then what I deserve.

Many times before we have heard that there were two types of people in life. One time I heard the two types were “people that do or doers” and there were “people that watch or watchers”. Another time I heard there were people that “talk about it” and people that “make it happen”. The last one that I heard was more recent and it was that there were people that “hope success happens” and then there are people that “make success happen”. Now since the last one speaks about success, I'm sure you know why it caught my attention, because we all know success is inevitable. The confidence that comes from people who make success happen comes from them having an understanding of who they really are and what they really can achieve in life. When you start to understand who you are and what you have the capability to accomplish, you start to operate on a level of existence that is higher then most people who let life dictate them.

According to the bible in Hebrews 4:16 it says “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” That verse says to come before God boldly with confidence knowing who you truly are. The problem is that so many people lack confidence in themselves and therefore lack confidence in what they can accomplish in life. It takes courage to step out of the norm and open your own business. It takes courage to step out of the norm and accept your calling. It takes courage to step out of the norm and minister to your friends who don’t want to hear it because they can remember when you were acting a fool yourself. It takes courage to step out of the norm and set goals so high that you have to become a totally different person to achieve because if you can achieve them like you are now then you are not thinking big enough. It takes courage to step out of the norm and write a newsletter every month to thousands of people you don’t know but if you don’t write it you feel like you are not walking in the purpose God has for you.

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward ( Hebrews 10:35). Your confidence is what sets you apart. Many people confuse confidence with arrogance or conceit but usually those people are intimidated by a confident person so they try to attack what they cant have. Jesus says that once we accept Him into our hearts we are His brothers and sisters, children of the Lord, therefore let's exhibit the confidence and courage of royalty because success is inevitable…so get ready.

Use obstacles as motivation

Use Obstacles as Motivation - (Your Reaction to Obstacles/Failures Determine Your success)

For audio
click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

Failure, obstacles, rejection, disappointment, hindrances, difficulties, refusal and downright no are many of the experiences that successful people have had to overcome in life to get from where they were at to where they needed to be. The difference between successful people and people that don’t make it are their reactions when these experiences were upon them. Successful people realize that failure is an opportunity to learn and not an opportunity to give up. Successful people realize that obstacles are an opportunity to learn and not an opportunity to turn around. Successful people realize that all negative experiences are opportunities to learn new ways to succeed and not opportunities to throw in the towel and settle for what life gives them. Successful people take control of their lives and never give it back to circumstance, luck, and coincidence.

Have you listened too many of the stories of people that have become successful in life? Usually they came from humble beginnings and against all odds, they overcame their situations. They looked at their current situations and realized that in order to obtain what they have never had, they must do what they have never done. They realized that in order to rise above and out of their current situations, they would need to develop a whatever it takes attitude and let nothing get in their way or deter their pursuit of success. Each person that took the lemons in their life and made lemonade realized that opportunities to be successful are available to all of us but nothing comes easy.

When you approach an obstacle, you always have a choice, you can either overcome or over-complain. Let me give you an example from the bible that will show you how two people looked at obstacles and how their reactions changed the world. When Peter denied Jesus (basically betraying his friendship) he realized that he had failed Jesus and tried to turn and go back to his normal life. Jesus knew that Peter would be a great man of God once he realized who he was and what his destiny entailed but it was up to Peter to walk in that calling. Peter realized his mistake and overcame it, he didn’t let his mistake overcome him. Peter knew he was a disciple of Jesus that made a mistake, not a fisherman posing as a disciple therefore as time progressed he stepped back into his calling and fulfilled his purpose…therefore overcoming his obstacle. Now Judas on the other hand, when he betrayed Jesus, he felt so bad that he hung himself. He let his mistake overcome him and eventually take his life. Judas could have been forgiven because Jesus forgives all that call on Him but Judas didn’t think he was worthy of forgiveness…his mistake was to great.

Remember, you are called to greatness and you will have failures, obstacles, rejection, disappointment, hindrances, difficulties, refusal and be told no but don’t let anything stop you from becoming the great man or woman of God that you are destined to be. You know that you are called to do a great thing in this life, you see it when you are thinking about your future, you see visions of you doing great things…that’s what your calling is…its you becoming what you see in those visions.

Walk in it and let nothing stop you because Success Is Inevitable...So Get Ready!!!