Sunday, October 15, 2006

Successful People control their destiny

For audio click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

You ever just wish something nice would happen to you? Do you ever wish that things would go your way so that you could get ahead in life? Do you ever hope that someone will think nicely of you and make a way for you to succeed? Do you ever hope that in the future you will make it big, somehow, and that life will be so much easier? Do you ever just wonder where your success will come from? Well step out of that world where life dictates you instead of you dictating your life.

Life for many people is like a game of poker. When I watch championship poker on ESPN I notice that every player gets two cards to start with. Even though those cards are different, it's still two cards. That's how we start life, we start with different cards but we all have cards. Next the players bid on the cards they are dealt, calculating the risks and rewards of the cards they are dealt. They also consider bluffing or folding if their cards are not what they feel they can win with. This is how we all look at life and the experiences of life. We can either fold, bluff or play the hand we are dealt.

Now here is where successful people are separated from the masses, as the dealer lays out the next three cards, you start to see people fold, get nervous, bluff, panic, think long and hard, as well as pray that the cards that are laid out will help with the cards they already have. Successful people know that no matter what cards are played they will win. If the cards played don't make for a great hand then they will either learn from the experience or make their hand work. The average person will look at the cards that were dealt to them and what the dealer put out and fold until the dealer gives them a good hand. Successful people will make their hand into good hands or better yet...BECOME THE DEALER.

In life many people wonder who is controlling their situations and if you ask many people they will usually say "God controls what does and does not happen to me". According to the bible, God is not the one that controls what happens to you…YOU ARE. Your faith lets God come into your life and make things happen, your trust in Him lets Him come in and anoint you to impact this world and your words that you speak based on His word give Him the capability to step into your life and make things happen. Take control of your life and let God work thru you to fulfill your purpose, then you will see how your choice let you start to control your destiny and step into success, because Success in Inevitable…So get Ready.