Sunday, October 15, 2006

I will not lose!!!

For audio click here (from the Successful Thinker Newsletter)

As I reflected on the last few years and the ups and downs that have befallen myself and my family, I came to one conclusion when I look at my life and what I am to become, I Will Not Lose!!! Now I am not saying that I didn’t have hard times or go through tribulations that ranged from almost being evicted, sickness, financial despair, loss of a business, back sliding, marriage issues, loss of my spiritual covering, loss of hope, despair, unanswered prayers and many other shortcomings that came and went. The interesting thing I keep noticing is that no matter what comes into my path, my faith never wavers and instead of saying “here we go again”, I say “Come on God, here’s another opportunity to show up and show out”. Although I’m not perfect and I do get upset with God and ask Him why, I have decided that I will believe no matter what and have the faith to let Him come in my life and teach me how to win in every situation…even the ones that look like I have lost.

As I read through the bible and look at all the promises that God has made for us I often wonder how many apply to me today and how many were for the people at those times. When I ask God why I go through things that the promises are supposed to keep me out of, He always tells me, “You already have the victory, just believe”. Now we all know how hard it is to believe those promises when we are going through tough times. When times are rough we sometimes feel those promises are basically just words on paper instead of answers to our problems. Well as of late I have decided to believe every promise that is in the bible. I have decided that my life has had enough mediocrity, enough of just getting by, enough of just making it, enough of I’m just okay. I wanted to experience more success, more prosperity, more healing, more faith, more wisdom, more answered prayer, more anointing and overall more POWER.
When I started to believe everything and change my mindset to one of a conqueror, no, I take that back, I meant the mindset to one of “more then a conqueror” (Romans 8:37 - Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.), I started to see how even when it looked like I was losing, I still had the victory. I started to see how all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [His] purpose (Romans 8:28). Have you ever noticed how even your worst situations turn into blessings when God is in control? I’ll give you an example, when I was putting together my first business I paid a woman $400 to setup my business for me. She took my $400 and I never heard from her again. Well that infuriated me because I was unemployed at the time and $400 was a lot of money to donate to her purse. The outcome of that was a blessing because I was so motivated to not let anyone take my money again that I setup my own business, wrote a book on how to setup your own business in one day, created a workshop to go with the book and also created a DVD to go with the book. That one incident helped start my information empire that I am currently building because I felt that if I know what’s going on then no one can take advantage of me again. The cost of ignorance (not knowing how to setup my own business) was $400 and now I will make 4 billion dollars teaching others how to start their own business.

When you approach a situation you have to believe that no matter what happens you are going to win. You have to have the confidence in who you are, the power you have, what you were sent to do and most of all, who lives in you (Hebrews 10:35). You have to believe that you are more then a conqueror and understand that conquerors never lose. You have to understand that Jesus said we will do greater things then He did (John 14:12) and Jesus never lost. Even when people thought He was dead, He rose and defeated all strongholds and gave us the power to win each and every time. The battlefield is the mind and as a man thinketh so is he (Proverbs 23:7).

So if you don’t know that you are fighting a defeated enemy then you will give them the power to overcome you. We fight enemies that have their hands under their shirts talking about stick em up. Well from here on out we will let them know that we will not lose anymore battles, for even in defeat there is a lesson learned so we still win…we always win and the thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ's victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere, (2 Corinthians 2:14).