Monday, April 16, 2007

Victors vs Victims

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Many times in life we hear there are two types of people, winners and losers, givers and takers, starters and finishers, watchers and doers and the variety of other categories of two types. Now I don't believe there are only two types of people in the world, I believe there are many types. I also believe that of those many types, victor or victim is a type that can be added to the list. Victors and victims define not only where people are in life but where they are going. Now of course there aren't many people that will say they live their life like a victim, therefore we won't ask the question of whether you are a victor or victim. It's much easier to look at their actions, listen to their words and analyze where they are trying to go in life.

First, lets look at the definition of victor and victim.

  • a person who has overcome or defeated an adversary
  • a conqueror
  • a winner in any struggle or contest.
  • Victim
  • a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency;
  • A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking.
  • A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of
  • Based on the definitions we see that victors always overcome, victors conquer any situation or obstacle that gets in their way and victors are winners no matter what. On the other hand, victims are always being taken advantage of, continually lose and are unable to even overcome their emotions or ignorance. Victors have potential, victims are pitiful. Victors are conquerors, victims deal with consequences. Victors always win, victims hope they win. Victors control their life, victims let life control them. Many people desire to live a life of victory but their situations and words are those of victims. How many times have you heard people say, well thats just how I am? That's just how I am is a victim statement, it's an excuse to not have to change, progress or overcome a situation so they would rather be a victim of the situation or their ignorance of the benefits of change. How many times have you seen people mock, deride or pull someone down who wants to better themselves. Victims don't want to see others who were like them become victors because victors expose the weaknesses of victims and their desire to complain but do nothing to change.

    Victors are always in control even when the situation appears out of control. Have you ever wondered why some people are able to keep their cool no matter what's going on around them? Have you ever wondered why some people don't let anything get to them and even when it appears they are about to crack they seem to still hold it together? Victors receive their victory from within, they have tapped into that inner peace and inner joy that surpasses all understanding. Victors have found a source of victory that seems to convince them that they will win no matter the situation, circumstance or odds. Victors realize that no matter what they will win because for some reason they have accepted victory as the only option, so even when it looks like they are going to lose, they still win. See the source of this victory that I am speaking of, that gives joy to the victor before the battle is done or the obstacle is overcome, well that source goes by the name of Jesus.

    When Opportunity Knocks

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    If you had the opportunity to change your life and step into a new existence, what would you do? If opportunity came and knocked at your door and said, come with me, would you pack up and go? If an opportunity to have what you've never had meant that you had to do what you've never done, would you do it? Most people would say yes to these question because everyone is looking for an opportunity to do better but I believe that many people are comfortable right where they are at. They believe that opportunities come to the lucky or only to those who already have everything going right for themselves. Opportunities come to those who have their eyes open to see them and the courage to act upon it. But let's focus on what an opportunity is first.

    The definition of opportunity is as follows:

  • An appropriate or favorable time or occasion.
  • A situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal.
  • A good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.
  • A chance for progress or advancement.

  • According to the definition, an opportunity has a variety of favorable attributes that lead( s) to a successful outcome. The main attribute of an opportunity is the focus on progress towards a goal. Many opportunities come across our plates everyday, as a matter of fact I once heard a rich man say ; "We all come across a million dollar opportunity once a day". Now I don't know about you, but a million dollar opportunity is definitely progress towards a goal. Another important attribute of an opportunity is a favorable time and situation. When divine opportunities become available to you, somehow you must realize that the time is right to prosper and therefore understand how favorable the situation is for you.

    On the other hand, we all know people that continually speak or complain about missed opportunities. We all know people that say how much they could achieve if they had the chance, but when opportunity knocks they don't want to leave the comfort of their bed so they don't answer. Many people would love to have the opportunity to better their lives but they live only hoping that opportunity falls in their lap. They become comfortable with a life that (s) just good enough and let their dreams continue to be put on hold. The reality is that many people are scared to leave the comfort zone of their current life because that could possibly propel them to a level of existence that they might not believe they deserve. Then again maybe the best line from the movie Coach Carter starring Samuel Jackson sums it up, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlighten ing about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

    When the opportunity came for me to relocate from Chicago to Los Angeles, I had to take a real good look at myself and figure out if I was really ready to take my life and family to another level. I had to realize the true meaning of divine timing, progress towards success and seizing the day. In Chicago I was living a life that was good for the moment but the path to get to the great future I had was never clear. I was very comfortable in my present existence but God always showed me visions of a great future and how I would impact many people with my gifts, talents and abilities. Now we all know that in order to walk in greatness we must take advantage of great opportunities and moving to California provided a great opportunity. It would get my wife back near her family which she greatly loves, it would give me the opportunity to experience year round summer (I really don't like cold weather) and it would give me an opportunity to showcase my abilities to people that could help me gain exposure. Within a week of arriving we had all we needed including income, daycare, transportation, lodging and contacts for me to network. See when God gives you an opportunity He makes sure it goes smooth and according to His plan so that He can get the glory when you testify about how it all came to pass. So today look at the opportunities in front of you and attempt to pursue one to the fullest and live the life that exceeds just settling.

    Why Me

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    Why me is one of the many questions that has plagued man for ages. Whether it be a drastic event, a missed opportunity, a tragedy, a sudden change of fortune or any other unfavorable outcome that has befallen our lives. We all are guilty of wondering "why me"? Of course we wonder why me prior to blaming numerous people, things, luck or God for our current situation. Things would be so much easier if we just knew the reason for our season.

    Everything in life happens for a reason, whether the reason is caused by you or someone/something else, there is still a reason. Reasons, explanations, and why's seem to elude us most when we wonder why our lives are not where we want it to be. When many people take a look at their life or their current situation they usually have a sense of non-accomplishment. When many people look at their lives they feel a lack of purpose and direction. When many people look at their current situation the question that runs through their mind is "why me". Now if this doesn't apply to you and you have it all together, then go tell someone how you accomplished it but if you have “why me” moments, then please, keep reading.

    When you look at the successful future that you know you are going to walk in, you only seem to want to see the final steps of the journey. When we look at the successful people we only desire the end of the road blessings, no one wants the journey lessons that make you into the successful person that you are to become. For example, no one looks at comedian Steve Harvey and says “I know he's rich but I wish I could live in my car for two years so that I can be rich like him”. No one looks at Writer/Producer/Actor Tyler Perry and say “I know he's rich now but I wish I could have my first few plays tank and then get evicted and lose everything so that I can be rich like him.” Everyone wants the glory of crossing the finish line but no one wants to run the race. No one wants to endure falling during the race, scrape their knees, crying profusely only to realize that you have to wipe your own wounds and dry your own tears. We seem to forget that every successful person endured their hardest times right before their breakthrough.

    Success doesn't come to the lucky, it comes to the persistent. Success doesn't come to the wishful, it comes to the determined, focused and faithful people who change hard times into great lessons. We have to realize that we go through hard times for three reasons. Reason one is so that we can grow, learn and progress. Reason two is so that we can help someone get through their situation when they go through what we already came through. Reason three is so that God gets the glory, God will put you in a situation that you cannot get out of by your own power, gifts, talents and abilities. He wants to bring you out but He wants you to depend on Him to get you out. Once He brings you out He wants you to realize that it was Him that brought you out.

    When God is leading all your steps then no matter what comes your way, you will not worry nor fret because you know that the battle is not yours, it's the Lords. Therefore instead of saying “Here we go again” or “Why me” when hard times come upon you, you will say “Here's another situation for you to show up and show out God, so have your way, I'll let you lead me out of this once again.”

    Why me” is the question, “Let me” is God's answer…you are not don't try to be. AMEN