Monday, April 16, 2007

Why Me

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Why me is one of the many questions that has plagued man for ages. Whether it be a drastic event, a missed opportunity, a tragedy, a sudden change of fortune or any other unfavorable outcome that has befallen our lives. We all are guilty of wondering "why me"? Of course we wonder why me prior to blaming numerous people, things, luck or God for our current situation. Things would be so much easier if we just knew the reason for our season.

Everything in life happens for a reason, whether the reason is caused by you or someone/something else, there is still a reason. Reasons, explanations, and why's seem to elude us most when we wonder why our lives are not where we want it to be. When many people take a look at their life or their current situation they usually have a sense of non-accomplishment. When many people look at their lives they feel a lack of purpose and direction. When many people look at their current situation the question that runs through their mind is "why me". Now if this doesn't apply to you and you have it all together, then go tell someone how you accomplished it but if you have “why me” moments, then please, keep reading.

When you look at the successful future that you know you are going to walk in, you only seem to want to see the final steps of the journey. When we look at the successful people we only desire the end of the road blessings, no one wants the journey lessons that make you into the successful person that you are to become. For example, no one looks at comedian Steve Harvey and says “I know he's rich but I wish I could live in my car for two years so that I can be rich like him”. No one looks at Writer/Producer/Actor Tyler Perry and say “I know he's rich now but I wish I could have my first few plays tank and then get evicted and lose everything so that I can be rich like him.” Everyone wants the glory of crossing the finish line but no one wants to run the race. No one wants to endure falling during the race, scrape their knees, crying profusely only to realize that you have to wipe your own wounds and dry your own tears. We seem to forget that every successful person endured their hardest times right before their breakthrough.

Success doesn't come to the lucky, it comes to the persistent. Success doesn't come to the wishful, it comes to the determined, focused and faithful people who change hard times into great lessons. We have to realize that we go through hard times for three reasons. Reason one is so that we can grow, learn and progress. Reason two is so that we can help someone get through their situation when they go through what we already came through. Reason three is so that God gets the glory, God will put you in a situation that you cannot get out of by your own power, gifts, talents and abilities. He wants to bring you out but He wants you to depend on Him to get you out. Once He brings you out He wants you to realize that it was Him that brought you out.

When God is leading all your steps then no matter what comes your way, you will not worry nor fret because you know that the battle is not yours, it's the Lords. Therefore instead of saying “Here we go again” or “Why me” when hard times come upon you, you will say “Here's another situation for you to show up and show out God, so have your way, I'll let you lead me out of this once again.”

Why me” is the question, “Let me” is God's answer…you are not don't try to be. AMEN