Monday, April 16, 2007

Victors vs Victims

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Many times in life we hear there are two types of people, winners and losers, givers and takers, starters and finishers, watchers and doers and the variety of other categories of two types. Now I don't believe there are only two types of people in the world, I believe there are many types. I also believe that of those many types, victor or victim is a type that can be added to the list. Victors and victims define not only where people are in life but where they are going. Now of course there aren't many people that will say they live their life like a victim, therefore we won't ask the question of whether you are a victor or victim. It's much easier to look at their actions, listen to their words and analyze where they are trying to go in life.

First, lets look at the definition of victor and victim.

  • a person who has overcome or defeated an adversary
  • a conqueror
  • a winner in any struggle or contest.
  • Victim
  • a person who is deceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency;
  • A person who suffers injury, loss, or death as a result of a voluntary undertaking.
  • A person who is tricked, swindled, or taken advantage of
  • Based on the definitions we see that victors always overcome, victors conquer any situation or obstacle that gets in their way and victors are winners no matter what. On the other hand, victims are always being taken advantage of, continually lose and are unable to even overcome their emotions or ignorance. Victors have potential, victims are pitiful. Victors are conquerors, victims deal with consequences. Victors always win, victims hope they win. Victors control their life, victims let life control them. Many people desire to live a life of victory but their situations and words are those of victims. How many times have you heard people say, well thats just how I am? That's just how I am is a victim statement, it's an excuse to not have to change, progress or overcome a situation so they would rather be a victim of the situation or their ignorance of the benefits of change. How many times have you seen people mock, deride or pull someone down who wants to better themselves. Victims don't want to see others who were like them become victors because victors expose the weaknesses of victims and their desire to complain but do nothing to change.

    Victors are always in control even when the situation appears out of control. Have you ever wondered why some people are able to keep their cool no matter what's going on around them? Have you ever wondered why some people don't let anything get to them and even when it appears they are about to crack they seem to still hold it together? Victors receive their victory from within, they have tapped into that inner peace and inner joy that surpasses all understanding. Victors have found a source of victory that seems to convince them that they will win no matter the situation, circumstance or odds. Victors realize that no matter what they will win because for some reason they have accepted victory as the only option, so even when it looks like they are going to lose, they still win. See the source of this victory that I am speaking of, that gives joy to the victor before the battle is done or the obstacle is overcome, well that source goes by the name of Jesus.