Monday, July 11, 2011

30 days to better health - Chinese Herbal Approach - Day 2

So today I decided that I would try to start early and get my breakfast in early and get started on my pills and tea, see how that would affect my day. Well I overslept and then I had to play catchup on some work tasks and didn't end up eating breakfast till 11am. From there I didn't get to my first set of pills until 12pm and my tea at 1pm.

The tea is amazingly easy to drink, and this is from someone who doesn't drink tea, coffee, water, or anything besides juice.

The problem I am having isn't even my restrictive diet of fruits, veggies, chicken and fish. No, my issue is these FREAKIN PILLS:

Im telling you, these pills ain't no joke. I find myself able to get maybe 6 - 10 down with no problem, but those next 10 - 14, yea those are a problem for me. I mean, for real, the pills look like little coco puffs, and who wants to swallow cocoa puffs whole...not me!!

As for my bathroom runs and so on, I am pretty normal now, just a few times a day, with only one time doing #2 and 4 - 5 times doing #1. It seems my body is adjusting. Oh, and I played basketball today and I didnt have that much backpain afterwards, I did stretch tho. Maybe, these pills are helping my kidneys more than I thought...time will tell.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 days to better health - Chinese Herbal Task - Day 1

Yesterday I went to see Chinese Herbal doctor Leslie Duong, she is a straight forward, humorous lady with a great knowledge for Chinese Herbal medicines. The reason I went to see her was that a co-worker referred her when I mentioned that my cholesterol had went up "again" due to my lack of exercise. The reason I had not exercised in the past 3 - 4 months was due to some over zealous weekend jock trying to break my entire hand on the basketball court. The reason I was even playing basketball was that I had just gotten my cholesterol under control and I was exercising 3 times a week and eating great. Well once I got hurt, I lost interest in working out and thus my cholesterol suffered a bit.

Last week, I went to my regular doctor and had a physical and he said my cholesterol (and weight) had went up substantially and I then informed him that I had gotten away from exercising. Fast forward to yesterday, I spoke with Leslie and informed her that I just wanted to lose about 15 - 20 pounds over 6 months, get back to working out, get my cholesterol down and eventually get my wife in there to see her and get on a regiment as well that included basketball. Leslie took a look at me and asked if my back hurt when I played ball, to which I responded yes at times. I thought it was due to stretching but she said it was my kidneys...ummm..ok. She then said that I appeared young and relatively healthy but she knew that I needed to change my eating habits and cleanse my body. My first thoughts were that she wanted me to do a detox, of which I was against, ive already had moments of taking to much exlax and I refused to take anything that would resemble that. Leslie explained to me that Chinese Herbs are a different type of cleanse, a more gentle cleanse and they get my cholesterol, as well as a host of other issues, under control and back to normal. Once my body was cleansed of the "processed garbage" I had been putting into it for years, I would then be able to maintain a healthy diet, weight and lifestyle.

I was prescribed 2 things todo, one was to drink 40 ounces of these special teas, and the only thing I could add to them for taste was honey. I figured I could do that.

Next, after every meal, which was 3 of them, I was told to take 20 pills....yep, thats right, 20 pills. They look like this:

Yesterday I took the pills for the first time in the afternoon and today I have drank the tea and taken more pills. I can only say that I have noticed three things:

  1. My kidneys didnt hurt this morning when I woke up, they normally do because I have to use the bathroom very badly when I wake up..not the case today.  Well, I still had to go but there was no back pain
  2. I have been to the bathroom ALOT today, mainly doing #1 because of drinking this tea..but I have also went #2 twice.  That's one time more then I usually go per day.
  3. The pills (these are the small ones, she said they have bigger ones) are hard to swallow for me because I dont like to take pills.
That's all for now....see ya tomorrow