Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The iChurch Method TV – Ep. 4 – A Recap of early usage of The iChurch Method

In this episode I am discussing a recap of the first time I applied The iChurch Method to a church. I was asked to revamp a church’s entire online presence and I started to put together the basics of what would become The iChurch Method.

Day one, my objective was to figure out what was going on within the ministry in terms of where they were technically. When I started looking at some of the things that were going on, I saw just some of the basic things. They had a website but there were some things that just weren’t working. They were having issues with their online store and they were having issues with donations. They were generating a lot of money via online donations but the process was no as seamless as it could be. Basically I just looked at everything they were doing and I started dissecting it and figuring out how we could make this easier, better, and faster.

I put together a plan and I said, “Here’s where you guys are at,” and I made a real simple streamlined map of what was going on currently and where people were getting lost in the process. Then I said, “Here’s where it could be,” and I started showing them new things that we could do to make this process much simpler. In addition I also had to show them here’s the software that can actually make it happen. “We need a new website and here’s the software we can do that with. We need a new online store; here’s the software. We need an easier process to do online donations and here’s the software to do that.” Basically, that made it so easy for them to understand and see that eventually they allowed me to continue on with the other things I talk about, social media and mobile, just because I showed them that I actually knew how I could make this process easy for them.
