Friday, December 30, 2005

The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

The Mindset of an Entrepreneur - 12 Rules to Live By

By J. Success

For Audio click here.

  • Attitude Is Everything - (Success Is A State Of Mind)

  • You Control Your Destiny - (Successful People Control Their Destinies)

  • Develop A "Whatever It Takes" Attitude - (To have what you've never had you must do what you've never done)

  • Develop A Plan And Write It Down - (You Have To Know Where You Are Going)

  • Self Development - (Reading Is Fundamental - Research Is Critical)

  • Leaders Are Made, Not Born - (Leadership Skills Are Developed, Not Automatically There)

  • Be Accountable - (Make Sure People Can Count On You, Keep Your Word)

  • Use Obstacles as Motivation - (Your Reaction to Obstacles/Failures Determine Your success)

  • Truthfully Speaking - (Use Every Conversation As Practice To Increase Your Speaking Skills)

  • Build Your A-Team - (God, Mentors, Contacts, Encouragement, Support)

  • Live On 5th Avenue - (Multiple Streams Of Income)

  • Just Do It - (Take Small Steps Towards Your Goal Each Day)

  • Purpose Drive Life

    I was recently reading the purpose driven life book and I decided to speak on the first two chapters. Enjoy.

    For Chapter 1 Audio click here.

    For Chapter 2 Audio click here.

    Tombstone Mentality

    For Audio click here.

    I would like to address a topic that plagues the majority of people we meet these days, why do so many people have what I call "Tombstone Mentality?" The reason I am addressing this question is because I come into contact with many people at different stages of their lives and when they see the confidence I exhibit, way I speak, things I have accomplished and the overall inner peace that I have, they wonder how I got to this point as well as how they can get there also.

    Well first let me explain what "Tombstone Mentality" means and then I will show you ways to point it out in people's lives. Tombstone mentality means people believing that their life only means what appears on the tombstone. That their life started with their date of birth and ends with the day they stop breathing. Since on a tombstone your whole life is represented by a dash, they don't believe that life is more then a dash. That narrow minded thinking right there is the downfall of many men because it leads to a life of lack, non fulfillment and misdirected guidance.
    Now let's look at the examples of "Tombstone Mentality"

    1. Complaining about their lives instead of changing their livesMany people continually complain about what's wrong with their lives and why they are not satisfied with where they are at. Complaining seems to have become the norm in our society because in very few instances will you find people complaining and then doing something about it. See there are two types of people in the world, talkers and doers. Now talkers complain much and even offer solutions but do not have the ability to make them come to pass. Doers don't have time to complain, they are to busy making things happen and changing their lives and situations. Doers only talk about what they are going to do and if you ever hear a doer taking time to complain, then realize they are just announcing what they are about to do in a way that a complainer can understand. See complainers like to complain but they won't make any changes because that would take them out of their comfort zone. Many people who don't achieve anything in life are comfortable with a certain amount of failure because if they shoot for the stars and get rejected, they don't realize that they can still land on the moon. Rejection is a characteristic of fear, which in turn inhibits progress. Until complainers are fed up with their situation, they will just complain and go back to the comfort of living beneath their means and settling for a settled for existence..

    2. Not knowing their purpose or even where to look to find itEveryone is trying to find their purpose in life. Once you reach a certain level of maturity you start to realize that you were created to achieve something in life. Many people understand they were created for a purpose but have no idea what it is or where to look. The problem is that people cannot take the application from everyday items and apply it to their lives. For example, everything that we use today was created for a purpose. We don't drive our cars on water because they were not created for that purpose. We don't get on a plane to go jet skiing because you cannot jet ski on a plane. But when it comes to our lives, we use our lives for whatever we feel will satisfy our desires as opposed to what we were created to do. When I want to learn what something was created for, I ask the creator. When you tell someone who is trying to find their purpose in life to ask their creator, they say they don't want to hear that church stuff. That closed minded answer automatically lets you know that person does not want to find their purpose because they reject their creator. Therefore they choose to continue to be lost as well as live a life beneath their means and settling for a settled for existence.

    3. Living for the short termMany people live for today as if tomorrow is not an option or as if after they die, that's it. We all know that we need to prepare for the future so the things we do today prepare what we will have tomorrow and so on. The problem that occurs is that people are not able to open their minds to anything except their current situation. They cannot see outside of their current problems or their own selfish agenda for today and therefore when tomorrow comes they are left behind. There are two constants in life, death and change, and people learn the hard way that everything changes. If you don't change and develop like everything around you then you will be left behind. And no one wants to be left behind when Jesus comes back to get His people, so prepare for that future and make sure you are saved.
    Success is Inevitable....So get Ready.

    Monday, December 26, 2005

    Brotherly Love

    Brotherly Love

    Today for the first time in 17 years, saw my younger brother.  See when I was younger (~9 years old) I was at the park with my father when he introduced me to a woman he was seeing.  This woman had a baby with her and my father told me that the baby was my little brother.  Well of course at 9 years old, I really didn’t care too much about siblings since I was trying to find ways to get rid of the sister that I had.  Well little did I know that after that moment, I would not see my brother again until December 25, 2005.  

    I was told that a week or two prior to thanksgiving, my younger brother was finally told about all his brothers and sisters and much about his past that he was not aware of.  He reached out to us immediately and of course we welcomed him with open arms.  I thought about him off and on throughout the years and in 2002 made it my desire to make sure that each brother and sister that I have will one day be accessible to myself and the rest of our siblings.  Well we have found the majority of them but there are some that still elude us….for now.

    All my life I wanted to have brothers but my mom seemed to be good at giving me sisters only.  Well since my father was a rolling stone, he was out making many brothers for me that I was not aware of.     So as of today I have 4-5 brothers that exist and I am able to locate only two – three of them at the current time.  I do know that two additional ones were located in Indianapolis but that could be dated information.

    I have decided that since I attempt to be a positive influence on young men and guide them in their pursuit of success, there should be no reason why I cannot help my brothers achieve and exceed all that they desire to become in life.  I know that success is a state of mind and their mindset should be a direct influence of the closest male that they come into contact with…which from here on out be their older brother.

    Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    No Fear

    I was recently asked what was my biggest fear. Now my initial answer was going to be nothing. But when I started to say that, I was pushed towards answering the question because everyone has a fear. Well I answered it with failure, my biggest fear is failure. But there was one problem with that answer...I was lying..I dont fear anything.

    I don't fear anything anymore because I found out that I have a protector that keeps me safe as long as I am in His will. So since I have a protector who protects me, provides all my needs, and gives me the ability to accomplish whatever I set out to do, why should I fear. I used to fear death, but then I realized that my protector defeated death for me and that I will not die but my body will.

    I really and truly believe that no matter what i want to do, I can accomplish it. I really and truly believe that no matter who comes against me, they will not defeat me, especially since im not afraid to die. I really and truly believe that whatever need I have is already taken care of so I will never lack. So with all these things going for me that I know are taken care of..why should I fear?

    Fear is a form of doubt. Confidence and doubt cannot coexist and if you have ever spoken with me or been around me, you know that confidence abounds within me. So how can fear exist also, it cannot, therefore I do not fear. No matter what people may think or say, I dont fear. Now I know that people are not comfortable with that because they truly believe that everyone has a fear. That's fine with me and I understand that it takes a level of growth to overcome all your fears and many people may never attain that. But I am glad that I am able to walk without fear and continue to have faith.

    Why do we have more fear in running out...then faith in running over?

    Brilliance is a Gift

    I was listening to a friend the other day and she had a very upsetting problem that I felt needed to be addressed. Now usually I would provide the background and build up to the point but now im just at the point where this needs to be addressed and the sugar coated elaboration can be saved for another day. She was upset because she felt like she needed to apologize for being gifted.

    Now usually we think that gifted people enjoy walking in their gifts and like to bask in their abilities, but lets look closer at this issue since it really starts when we are in elementary school. See many kids dont have strong peronalities in elementary school and they just want to fit in, well when it comes to standardized testing and the grading scale, there will always be students that do better then others. Often we see that smart kids (nerds, geeks, dweebs, lames) are usually ridiculed for their expertise. They are considered social outcasts because they are not the norm. When you look at a bell curve, you see that 67% of all students are within the average, with 16% above average and 16% below average. Well the 16% below are usually accepted because they are not a threat to the average kids...they are beneath them. The 16% above usually have to deal with trying to dumb down their talents or mask their abilities so that they dont appear to be overly smart which is usually not accepted in many social circles.

    Well, let's fast forward to much later in life and instead of the grading structure and standardized tests, we have levels of income, achievement and just the overall ability to get the job done. When you have the ability to get the job done and making things happen in your life is not difficult to you, you start to notice that you are above average. When you start to achieve many educational goals, business goals, spiritual goals and personal goals then you start to see that instead of talking about what you want to do it!!! Just to achieve goals sets you apart from 90% of people because the majority of people only talk about what they want to do. Many people let the fear of failure prohibit them from stepping out and achieving their goals in life. They mask the fear of failure with stuff such as laziness, lack of time, lack of reading, lack of ambition and the worst problem of all...lack of vision.

    I watched as my friend cried because she was in a situation where her achievements were seen as a hinderance because they exposed someone else's lack of achievements. They exposed someone else's laziness, lack of focus lack of reading and overall insecurity.

    Don't let anyone make you feel bad because you are brilliant. If you were created to be average then you would be average. If you find yourself flying above the rest then soar like an eagle. If you find yourself running ahead of the pack then sprint towards the finish line and dont look back till you get where you want to be. If you look around and you start to see people not able to keep up with your desire, determination, and ambition, then realize that you were created to be above the rest and in order to have what you have never had, you must do what you have never done.

    And above all remember Success is Inevitable...So Get Ready

    J. Success