Friday, December 30, 2005

The Mindset of an Entrepreneur

The Mindset of an Entrepreneur - 12 Rules to Live By

By J. Success

For Audio click here.

  • Attitude Is Everything - (Success Is A State Of Mind)

  • You Control Your Destiny - (Successful People Control Their Destinies)

  • Develop A "Whatever It Takes" Attitude - (To have what you've never had you must do what you've never done)

  • Develop A Plan And Write It Down - (You Have To Know Where You Are Going)

  • Self Development - (Reading Is Fundamental - Research Is Critical)

  • Leaders Are Made, Not Born - (Leadership Skills Are Developed, Not Automatically There)

  • Be Accountable - (Make Sure People Can Count On You, Keep Your Word)

  • Use Obstacles as Motivation - (Your Reaction to Obstacles/Failures Determine Your success)

  • Truthfully Speaking - (Use Every Conversation As Practice To Increase Your Speaking Skills)

  • Build Your A-Team - (God, Mentors, Contacts, Encouragement, Support)

  • Live On 5th Avenue - (Multiple Streams Of Income)

  • Just Do It - (Take Small Steps Towards Your Goal Each Day)
