Tombstone Mentality
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I would like to address a topic that plagues the majority of people we meet these days, why do so many people have what I call "Tombstone Mentality?" The reason I am addressing this question is because I come into contact with many people at different stages of their lives and when they see the confidence I exhibit, way I speak, things I have accomplished and the overall inner peace that I have, they wonder how I got to this point as well as how they can get there also.
Well first let me explain what "Tombstone Mentality" means and then I will show you ways to point it out in people's lives. Tombstone mentality means people believing that their life only means what appears on the tombstone. That their life started with their date of birth and ends with the day they stop breathing. Since on a tombstone your whole life is represented by a dash, they don't believe that life is more then a dash. That narrow minded thinking right there is the downfall of many men because it leads to a life of lack, non fulfillment and misdirected guidance.
Now let's look at the examples of "Tombstone Mentality"
1. Complaining about their lives instead of changing their livesMany people continually complain about what's wrong with their lives and why they are not satisfied with where they are at. Complaining seems to have become the norm in our society because in very few instances will you find people complaining and then doing something about it. See there are two types of people in the world, talkers and doers. Now talkers complain much and even offer solutions but do not have the ability to make them come to pass. Doers don't have time to complain, they are to busy making things happen and changing their lives and situations. Doers only talk about what they are going to do and if you ever hear a doer taking time to complain, then realize they are just announcing what they are about to do in a way that a complainer can understand. See complainers like to complain but they won't make any changes because that would take them out of their comfort zone. Many people who don't achieve anything in life are comfortable with a certain amount of failure because if they shoot for the stars and get rejected, they don't realize that they can still land on the moon. Rejection is a characteristic of fear, which in turn inhibits progress. Until complainers are fed up with their situation, they will just complain and go back to the comfort of living beneath their means and settling for a settled for existence..
2. Not knowing their purpose or even where to look to find itEveryone is trying to find their purpose in life. Once you reach a certain level of maturity you start to realize that you were created to achieve something in life. Many people understand they were created for a purpose but have no idea what it is or where to look. The problem is that people cannot take the application from everyday items and apply it to their lives. For example, everything that we use today was created for a purpose. We don't drive our cars on water because they were not created for that purpose. We don't get on a plane to go jet skiing because you cannot jet ski on a plane. But when it comes to our lives, we use our lives for whatever we feel will satisfy our desires as opposed to what we were created to do. When I want to learn what something was created for, I ask the creator. When you tell someone who is trying to find their purpose in life to ask their creator, they say they don't want to hear that church stuff. That closed minded answer automatically lets you know that person does not want to find their purpose because they reject their creator. Therefore they choose to continue to be lost as well as live a life beneath their means and settling for a settled for existence.
3. Living for the short termMany people live for today as if tomorrow is not an option or as if after they die, that's it. We all know that we need to prepare for the future so the things we do today prepare what we will have tomorrow and so on. The problem that occurs is that people are not able to open their minds to anything except their current situation. They cannot see outside of their current problems or their own selfish agenda for today and therefore when tomorrow comes they are left behind. There are two constants in life, death and change, and people learn the hard way that everything changes. If you don't change and develop like everything around you then you will be left behind. And no one wants to be left behind when Jesus comes back to get His people, so prepare for that future and make sure you are saved.
Success is Inevitable....So get Ready.